Altar Servers: This ministry is open to young people in grades 2 and up to assist the priest at Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Eucharistic ministers are entrusted with the special responsibility of assisting in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.
Greeters: Greeters are primarily responsible for making people feel welcome at weekend and Holy Day Masses as well as funerals. They also help with the distribution of weekly bulletins and other materials as necessary.
Lectors: Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Requirements include the ability and willingness to dynamically proclaim the Word to the assembly.
Presenters: Parishioners present the gifts of bread and wine on behalf of the assembled worship community.
Ushers: Ushers assist in seating the assembly, arranging for collection of monetary gifts and provide light clean up after Mass.
Please contact the Parish Office for more information or to volunteer for one of these ministries.